Our offer - R.Power Renewables

Power purchase agreements (PPA)

Eine direkte, individuell angepasste Vereinbarung zwischen einem Produzenten von erneuerbarer Energie und dessen Verbraucher. Sie ermöglicht den großflächigen Erwerb von sauberer Energie zu einem attraktiven Preis. Durch eine PPA trägt der Verbraucher gleichzeitig zur Schaffung neuer grüner Anlagen bei.

R.Power verfügt derzeit über mehr als 3 TWh Energie (500 MW) an erneuerbaren Anlagen für die Vermarktung in Polen und auf internationalen Märkten.


Paweł Kowalski
Commercial and PPA Manager
+48 507 345 341

Our offer

  • The group’s track record includes approximatelly 2,2 GW of renewables with received grid permission, further 21 GW PV and storage are in the pipeline
  • R.Power has commercialized over 700 MWp of PV plants via cPPA’s and auctions in Poland
  • More than 400 MWp is available for commercialization, with PPA start dates within next 3 years

PPA offer details

  • Energy Price: fixed price (optionally indexed) or discounted SPOT price with Floor and Cap
  • Volume: minimum 20 GWh/a
  • Volume formula: pay-as-produced
  • Contract tenor: 10-20 years
  • PPA start date: 2025-2027
  • Type of contract: virtual or physical
  •  Guarantees of origin: fixed price
  • Power plant location: various, all-over Poland/Romania/Germany/Spain/Portugal
  • Technology: photovoltaics
  • Collaterals value: required, amount to be discussed (as a benchmark – annual contract value)
  • R. Power collaterals form: Bank Guarantee, PCG for interim period
  • Offtaker collaterals form: Bank Guarantee
  • Additionality: PPA will secure construction and financing new renewable assets.
  • Higher ESG standards including anti slavery policy for all CAPEX procurement

R.Power is offering two price models

  • Fixed price for Energy and GoOs
  • Variable price (discounted TGE hourly day-ahead price) with floor price for Energy and fixed price for GoOs

Offtaker may choose a more suitable price model, which should correspond to its energy purchase strategy. The PPA guarantees the price or price level in the long term. Offtaker should also consider that the price is defined for total PPA tenor without indexation in base offer. In consequence the offtaker is saved by inflation in the long term.